

“Don’t stop. Don’t stop the dance.”
— Bryan Ferry, Boys and Girls

It’s a world of illusion. A marketplace.
Everyone seems to be buying, shopping or selling.
“Cutting Deals.” Dancing in circles, or madly dancing in place.

Now, the Marketplace is no longer a place. It’s everywhere — omnipresent. Unsurprisingly, everything has become just another commodity. Including everyone.

And we are leashed to the marketplace, by the wrist or by the pocket… Brought to heel by a chime, we are tamed and trained, by tones.
We go voluntarily, led by our devices.

It’s no wonder we’ve reduced people to products, categorized them by their packaging.

We Select by Surface and Choose by Costume,
while keeping our “relationships” safe & superficial.

You may find yourself seduced by surface, then betrayed by substance. But that may be a false dichotomy: Consider “And” over “Either/Or.” The ultimate challenge may be to unify Surface, Substance and Significance or (Beautiful, Good and True).

Keep searching, keep working ‘til you experience and maybe accomplish fusion.



1. For You
Maybe you fell in love with a car for its looks, and discovered that under the surface, it was a dog. Tough lesson. But you learned how to shop for more than mere appearances. Maybe it’s a condo that looks great… until the wall covering peels away. It’s a fundamental law, surface alone doesn’t stand the test of time.

2. For the Family
Maybe it’s a love affair, and you discover that in spite of your one true love’s ordinary looks, there’s a lion inside that lives and loves to make you safe and well looked after. It’s about more than looks when you’re thinking long term. So, teach your kids the art of personal discernment where friends and lovers are concerned.

3. For Work
Loyalties should not be given lightly. As you choose a kind and place of work, remember there is so much more to consider than numbers. The standards of expectation, the quality and depth of the people, the character of the place itself, the sense of lofty purpose which can continue to inspire you… It’s not a single item, but the fusion of purpose and place, process and people. Look deeply, think carefully, and trust your feelings — this is a second marriage.

In a marketplace of noise, confusion and constant interruption, it can be difficult to find products, processes and people that inspire your loyalty. Withhold that impulse and make your considered choice for something more than mere surface. Hold out for the fusion of surface, substance and significance in all things. And don’t stop the dance!

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