
What’s Your Point?

There’s been a lot of “empty gesturing” going on in politics and public life of late. In so many cases, some big ego makes an outrageous statement, or takes a moment on the stage to make a grandiose gesture — which is never followed up with an actual result. This article is all about making your actions, words, intentions and outcomes align.


Got a point? Something you’re upset about? Want to change things for the better? Get them to take notice? Maybe even give you a quantum of respect?

That’s a big order, considering how many people die unknown, unnoticed by their peers, their industry or their community. You’ll need some special tools.

It helps to be Famous. People know you, and will give you an initial listen — but just long enough to discover that you are ignorant as a post.

It helps to be Educated. People may listen, until they discover that you’re conceited and high-handed.

It helps to be Persistent. People may listen, until they discover that you have no idea what you want them to actually do.

It helps if you’re Well-Intentioned. People may listen until they discover that you’re scattered and disorganized.


It helps to be Rich. People may listen, (after all, you keep showing up…) until they discover that you are entirely self-interested.

It helps to be Charismatic. People may listen, until they discover that you are simply using them as a mirror while you sound off to hear yourself talk.

So… What’s your Point?

Here’s the Winning Formula

The Right Gesture: It’s got to be creative, unusual, and a little bit grand! You’ve got to capture and focus their attention.


The Right Action: It’s got to be specific, clear and actionable. What do you want me to actually Do?


The Right Reason: It’s got to be conceived and dedicated to answer the question: “What’s the greatest good for all concerned?” (Not just people… either.)


The Right Explanation: If I can’t understand your reasoning or your argument, it’s over. What are you proposing? Why? How? If you formulate your message as a Story, there’s a better chance that people will gravitate to it… and you.


The Right Presentation: If you seem never to have listened to yourself, or looked in a mirror, I can’t be bothered to watch or listen either. Your delivery has to underscore and align with what you have to say.


The Right Duration: Keep it Short, but Be Prepared to Keep Repeating that Story (and its actionable next steps) until you accomplish what you intend.

Don’t get stuck with just another empty gesture! You’ve got to grab them, then give them a solid argument for the next step… Otherwise, What’s the Point?


1. For You
Learn about Ethics. It’s more than what’s merely legal, or what’s forbidden (or not forbidden). It’s deeper than that. What’s going to bring about the best outcome for everyone touched by your actions? Now that’s an Outcome! (And, an outcome more likely to be supported by everyone.)

2. For the Family
It takes a long time for kids (and adults) to get beyond simple “Self Expression,” and arrive at the conclusion that there are indeed other people, families, communities, races, nations, lands, living things and universes. Most people are born, live and die thinking “It’s All About Me!” But such people rarely become renowned Public Speakers or Leaders. The lesson begins at home. “It’s not about you… It’s about them!”

3. For the Office, the Community and the Nation(s)
Have we forgotten that we’re all in this together? Few things change when you drive across a border. Maybe we could concentrate on what we have (and require) in common, rather than on the small differences that keep us apart?

As a speaker, there’s nothing so humbling as to discover that your audience is no longer listening. (Your fifteen minutes are up!) So, make your moment (and your lifetime) count! Focus on the big issues that can bring everyone together. Ask (and advocate) for a specific result! Do it with style, intellect and spirit!

Then, Do it ‘til it’s done.

Otherwise, What’s the Point?

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