
About as Far as We Can Go!

The Experience of Disruption

The Chairman:
So you think we need to manage our own Brand Identity?
But we’re great! We’re about the biggest thing in this business!
Isn’t it enough that we make great advertising?

The Consultant:
Shame on you! But Ok, let’s just take a “For Instance…”
What if say, Michelin came to you asking, “Isn’t it enough that we make great tyres?”


Disruption is not something you notice “in the moment.” It happens to you while you’re certain of your Market Leadership! It upends the card table when you’re sitting on a Full House, preparing to rake in your winnings. It sneaks up on you while you’re looking the other way, congratulating yourself on the high-quality leather and fittings in your bridles and saddles. Maybe you make the world’s best Mainframe… or the absolute best PC.


One minute, you’re taking care of business in the customary way, pretty confident that things are going just fine. Then, a young competitor comes along with a weird idea that you dismiss immediately. But they keep at it, and start gathering customers. Suddenly, you’re losing ground, wondering “What happened?”

You’re playing hard in an old arena or fielding a great army on an old battlefield.

  • Explaining to a young woman that, “This is the way men are! Don’t you see?”
  • Protesting that “No one would ever watch a movie on a hand-held screen!”
  • Explaining that “Crypto-Currency has no inherent value!” Bitcoin @ $18,000.
  • Explaining that “Wool is the best insulation!” to some kid wearing Polartec®…

What’s next?
Books? Credit Cards? Personal Cars? Banks? Ballots? Doctor Visits? Mechanical Watches? Movie Theaters? Standard Clothing Sizes? University Campuses?

When you’re convinced that “They’ve gone about as far as they can go!” You’re ripe for the Experience of Disruption!


1. For You
What haven’t you looked at lately? Your weight, your eyesight, your weekend pursuits, your faithful, tried and true perspectives or politics? What is so solid and so perfect that it can never be shaken? Look out, the universe may be sneaking up on you! Countries and their politics are changing. Our social norms are in full rebellion. Our cherished beliefs are being questioned from all sides. Even our faithful food choices are being disrupted again by Amazon… Disruption isn’t evil in itself, but it can feel that way. So start with a Personal Certainty Evaluation. “What do you know for sure?” Now, look around, as it begins to recede in the rear-view mirror.

2. For the Family
Have the kids tell you what they see coming up. Ask for their advice about the future… More diversity. More choices. More questioning of sacred perspectives. Less commitment to the old ways and values…

Listen quietly. Don’t challenge. Get them to tell you how it’s all supposed to work. Thank them for their insight. Now go digest it and decide whether you’re going to retire to your room and bolt the door or go out and Embrace the Future! That’s the choice.

3. For the Office
Hire Young and Diverse! Teach them Hard and Demand that They Push Back! Appoint a “Future Squad” to discover the Next Big Thing and investigate. Get them to teach you! Distribute your time and resources across the available options to hedge your bets and strategies. Nobody’s sure, but this way, you’re covered.

And when you find yourself saying, “They’ve gone about as far as they can go!”: know for sure that you’re mistaken!

Kansas City” from Oklahoma (1955)

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