

The Art of Leadership begins with, “Follow Me!”
Have you noticed that disconnect? Between the often well-crafted words of the leaders.. and their deeds?

Of course you have. It is that disparity between promise and practice that leaves many with the sense of having been “taken in” by the promises of “Leaders” in politics, business, government, education, medicine and the arts.

To start with, we need to stop blurring the distinction between actual leadership and mere “celebrity.” It’s one thing to be celebrated for your accomplishments as an actor, a talk show host, a comic, an athlete, or a “recognized red carpet greeter.” Those are not “professions” in the traditional sense, for they have no fiduciary responsibility to a client. There’s no test, license or oath to go with their hefty salaries and public acclaim.

A real professional might be expected to shun the spotlight and stick to their responsibilities.

What we expect from our leadership is not a luminous public presence, not a rabble rousing hot presentation, but an honest example of what’s actually expected. The leader expects nothing from the field that she is not willing or able to demonstrate or do every day on the job.

There are two extremes: Mis-understanding “Leadership” as an event, a speech, a presentation, an appearance… and, Mis-understanding Leadership as an intellectual exercise, creating the plan or the strategy…

Extreme One – The Event
Loud, exciting, over the top, rousing the team. But rarely remembered for any specific call to action. So people get jazzed, and go out of the big meeting enthusiastic and awed by their “Leader’s” oratory. But then, sadly, they can’t remember the specifics of what’s supposed to happen on Monday morning…

Extreme Two – The Intellect
Cool, smart, well educated, well trained, but reserved and unwilling to get on the mat, get dirty and show us what’s expected and how it’s supposed to be done in the field when we “regular Joes” go back to work.

What we need instead, is the middle ground, an Exemplar, “a living example that marries the two extremes.” Someone who’s able to do what they’re asking from us. Someone who’s willing to get into the training room with us to soak up the new material and show us what a leader looks like as they acquire new skills and learn to work in the new system the company is acquiring. Then, after sending the team back to work in the field, on the phones, in the studios and labs, the Leader has to resume the lofty and private work of strategizing and setting the path of the organization. Browse our , with a variety of options to suit every taste and budget, available to buy online.


Every time we see that Leader, they have to show us again that they’re Masters of the Skills they require of us. They have to show us how it’s done, and keep doing it every time, otherwise, we know they don’t mean what they told us, and that we can revert to our old individual ways the minute they leave the room.

One Story, Many Voices!®

If the Leader demonstrates the skills, teaches us too, and serves up a never-ending example of what’s required, there’s a good chance we might all succeed together.

It’s easy. Just Follow Me!


1. For You
The highest form or Leadership is to be an Exemplar. “Do it like this. This way. Here, I’ll show you! Now, you try it! “This is the hands-on system. The best Leader can demonstrate what’s required and is willing to do it endlessly.

2. For the Family
Want to teach your kids to chop wood? Get out the hatchet! Dancing, playing, performing, acting? Show them. Want them to be honest, strong, kind, dignified? Do it. Then demand it. Repeat!

3. At Work
You’ll be surprised how few “Leaders” understand the need for an actual example of what’s expected. They get lost in the perqs, the credits, the separateness they enjoy as “Executives.” They often forget that Leadership requires a split personality. Part of it is the great idea, the great strategy, the greatness of spirit that calls one to lead. Yet, at the end of the day, we don’t climb the mountain because we’re commanded or ordered, but because we are led. You have to be able to do, and be able to demonstrate, and do both!

Become an Exemplar, and own the phrase, “Follow Me!”

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