
Ignorance! with a side of Arrogance

“Education is not the filling of a pail,
but the lighting of a fire.”
—William Butler Yeats
Author, Poet, Nobel Laureate
1865 – 1939

A mid-thirties guy comes into the office, leans against a bronze sculpture, and (looking at his Seiko…) tugs on the exposed collar of his swabbie t-shirt, and says, “I’m really steamed about being ordered to show up for training! Like I haven’t seen it all before…” I’m eight years in business, and I work for the best company! There’s nothing I don’t know, and there’s not a damn thing you can teach me! What makes you think that anything you know is worth more than a week in the field?

Where to begin? Collar stays? A V-neck t-shirt? A decent watch? A reasonable pair of shoes? A reined-in ego? A willingness to consider that there may be more to learn — and a desire to do it? A polite curiosity about the place, the perspective and the people in front of him? A realization that — at thirty-five — he may not have experienced everything life has to offer? Maybe a simple willingness to bus his table after lunch instead of walking out on an empty plate and ignoring the staff.

At thirty-five years in, we’ve seen quite a lot too. In our experience, ignorance and arrogance seem to be regular roommates, right across the hall from dis-interest and boredom.

But then, that young man is the client today. So, we intend to light a fire!

“OK Kid, show me what you’ve got! Give me five minutes on your firm’s perspective on the market, what it means for a conservative middle-aged couple… Then, maybe conclude with a demonstration for how to sell it… Go!”

Inexplicably, the young genius flinches and blathers until we take pity on him and call a break. So maybe there is something yet to learn before the next birthday when all knowledge becomes available.

Is it the challenge of the age? All knowledge is now available in seconds on a screen in your pocket? Yeah. Well, knowledge is available… Not Wisdom!

It’s been our experience that wisdom takes time, endless practice and ever widening amounts of experience — served up in a crisp, self-effacing manner from someone who’s interested in a mutual benefit, not a victory.

We can polish the exterior to present an attractive, unique Package.

Follow that with a Composition Process to create a crisp, repeatable message that’s not only memorable and persuasive, but echoes its tone in the literature and web efforts.

Add to that the Fine Skills that enable one to stand their ground under questioning, and manifest a quiet presence that resonates with integrity and genuine self-confidence. One needn’t over-power people if one is really genuine.

Work on that for five years kid, and come see me… We’ll talk about becoming a Counselor/Coach instead of an egotistical sales guy.

It’s all there on the device of course, but manifesting it takes a little more time.

Chances are, if there’s Arrogance there’s also enough Ignorance to make a matched set.


1. For You
Be a little thoughtful. The Greeks knew everything. So did Rome. Then England. And every single one of those Royal Cousins that brought on the Great Wars. Everyone was so f-ing smart. Yet, they’re all gone. And you think you’re different? Think again! Start with a little reticence. Go learn Latin. Study Sun Tzu. Learn to Paint, or Write or Counsel — not coach — Counsel. Swallow your swollen ego. Keep watch and serve as your parents fail, then pass away. Come back then and tell me how smart you are. Maybe, after all that, you’ll acquire a little humility… and compassion can’t be far behind.

2. At Home
The smartest person in the room may not also be the noisiest. There’s a lot to be said for being quietly efficient and deadly smart. We naturally compete with our siblings at home, and sometimes that boisterous competition for the last slice of pizza carries over into our public and office habits as well — and not for the best. Start at home with team spirit and humility.

3. At Work
One of our wise clients once said, “Stealth Wealth is where it’s at.” People shouldn’t be able to look at you and know you’re on a Board somewhere. Get the idea that wealth is a means to an end, not the end itself. And displaying it just means that you’re not able to use it for something else.

It’s really a series of choices:

  1. A fancy Dinner Out, or five comfortable Dinners In, with family, music, and a topic of discussion.
  2. An Expensive Car on a Term Lease, or a less expensive Car, owned outright with a few miles?
  3. Brown Bag Lunch for $ or “LUNCH” at the restaurant for $$$ and more time?

It’s your Money, Time and Life. So, the way you “spend,” invest or display your resources are your choice. Are your decisions fueled by Ignorance? Arrogance? Or Maturity, Humility & Compassion?

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