
We’re Back, After Hiatus.

Time for some changes.


Many of our clients employ strict e-security measures — which eliminate our illustrations, formatting and list feedback. (For us, a little like preparing a great dinner and not knowing if it arrived on the table of the intended guest…)


Here’s a new approach: We’ll post Cornerstones on Wednesday morning, 10:00 AM on The Fusion Group Website at We’ll notify you with a short E-Mail Notice of Publication, which will include a “Click to Read” link to the document on our site. No Problems! If that click to read link is also scrubbed, you may need to simply go directly to


We look forward to your feedback on this new method. Here’s hoping it’s easier for everyone!



For some time, we’ve confined our focus primarily to Communication and Presentation. Yet, in these “interesting times” we’re noticing that voices like our own, with a focus on clear, thoughtful messages about the components of corporate culture are fading from the public discourse.  Accordingly, we propose to widen our focus beyond Communication, to include the underlying Ethics, Principles and Philosophies that form a sound foundation for any corporation, family or country. “If not us, who? If not now, when?”  Hope you enjoy the wider focus!



Many of our clients have asked “What’s the Secret Sauce?”  Honestly, there’s no MSG!

But to provide a deeper look at the tools and philosophies that drive our approach, we’ve begun working on a series of books and white papers to give the curious among you “access to the magic.”

The first of those books is called Ten Zen. Published two years ago, it recounts the adventures of a young boy as he learns the great philosophies and the martial arts they underpin. (You may have noticed a certain philosophical take in some of our work.)

The second is called Holosophy, Conquering Your Fear of Success!  This is a serious work, which provides a broad overview of the underlying beliefs, practices and tools we use to help our clients emerge from their individual “envelopes” and attack their fears to master new skills.  Of course, there’s more to life than planning or presenting, so these tools also address life in general. It’s for someone who wants a deeper look at the tools and practices of personal improvement.

Third in the series is Getting Through! The Art & Science of Getting Results through Public Speaking.  This is the detailed tool book for creating, applying and polishing your individual presenting skills.  It will publish in the new year.


Thanks for being along on our journey. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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