Thanksgiving: Getting Our Goat
“He who knows that enough is enough… has enough.”
—Tao Te Ching
Lao Tsu
“We never know what is enough
until we know what’s more than enough…”
— Billie Holiday
It’s a holiday! And a favorite of ours!
(We humbly beg pardon for those of you outside of the United States. It’s our feast day, and we like it! We’ll be back on the job next week…)
This year, as you kick back with family for turkey, fellowship or football, contemplate the fine distinction between enough and too much. Then consider allowing someone to “get your goat” by making a donation to Heifer International.
There are a lot of fine charitable organizations out there. But what strikes us about Heifer is that instead of giving funds or tools to nameless (sometimes soul-less) organizations, they donate live animals to individual families and communities. Goats, Cows, Chickens and Geese, when added to a community ecosystem, can often be the difference between mere subsistence and the first step to a more sustainable life. And of course, animals make more animals, meaning that this year’s recipient can become a donor next year. Wow!
Check it out at:
Imagine what the five thousand Fusion subscribers can do together if we take our blessings as incentives to give.
We wish you and yours a safe and fulfilling
Thanksgiving holiday!
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