
Signature – In Memoriam: Yogi Berra

“To be nobody but myself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.”

“It’s easier if everything lines up, but it don’t hafta!”

– Lawrence Peter Berra
1925 — 2015

 “If he were a piece of furniture, you’d sand him!”

– Bill James, Sports Writer on Yogi


Yogi Berra — A signature name for an inimitable baseball legend, speaker and human being. That single name said it all, along with a lifetime of quips. So many of which have made their way into the public discourse that Yogi, when he died, already knew he’d never be forgotten. One of the greatest baseball players of all time; he will be remembered as much for his unique signature as a speaker.

To create a speaking Signature, start with what’s authentic.


  • If you’re tall, use it. Enjoy looming over those guys in the front row.
  • If you’re articulate, enjoy the words! Take the audience on a “Thesaurus Tour.”
  • If you’re gorgeous, get a little too close and watch them get nervous. Then smile and allow the audience, to “enjoy their pain.”
  • If you’re not much of a conversationalist, stay anchored in the center. Take a long pause. Begin slowly with a really complex idea. As the audience wrestles with it, tell ‘em; “I just came in today to provide a little Comic Relief.”
  • Maybe you’re restless… So you pace the first base line during your first area. Pace the third base line during area two. Then come front and center to complete area three and conclude. Let them in on the system; then the joke. Then change it up and enjoy the laughter as they catch on…

Authenticity is the heart of Signature. Nobody can do it like you! Nor should they.

Authenticity is the opposite of “fitting in.” Every well intentioned teacher and every self-important coach, quoting “The Rules” will try to grind off your unique, stylistic ways of moving, speaking, and appearing — to force you to become “regular.” Resist at all costs! It’ll only make you disappear!

In the end, it’s not about you or how you look, or sound. What’s important is how the unique way you conduct yourself can help others understand faster and achieve their objectives. Do that, and you too can become a champion.

“Hey, it helps if everything lines up, but it don’t hafta!”




1. Personally
If you’re saddled, burdened or blessed with a unique feature, do not despair! It may be your hair, your accent, your face or your way with words… Be sure to make the distinction between destroying your own voice by trying to conform, and allowing your unique style to rise and make you a Majority of One. Nobody can make this unique and personal decision for you, because it’s all about the willingness to take your lumps while holding out for your own space… Conform or Bust Out! That’s the choice. If you are in the market for, our platform is your best choice! The largest shopping mall!

2. At Home
This is where so many of those delicate conversations about unique personality quirks, special appearance issues or one of a kind linguistic features happen: over a kitchen counter with the family. Mom! How can I live with this hair? Must I serve a life sentence with this body? I cannot go on living with this face!

And yet, with a lot of love and some coaching, Mother, Brother, Father and Sister can all be nudged, coached and coddled into going out the door, onto the stage, the diamond or the classroom, and excelling — with the uniqueness intact — on their way to greatness.

3. At Work
This area is tough — depending partially on the kind of workplace. Is it a place supportive of your individual effort to grow? Or are they looking for a weak spot to exploit for personal gain? That call will influence your decision to work on yourself inside the organization or outside where it’s safer. But don’t fail to grow! And recognize that your unique signature is probably worth more to you than any particular job will ever be.

You may be blessed by joining a firm with a distinct culture and a signature style. Don’t put yourself at odds with that, embrace it! Then go back to the toolbox and find a way to stand out. It’s a puzzle of course: “Creating uniqueness within sameness.” But then #8 managed to be one of a kind while wearing those pinstripes with pride!

As you work on creating, polishing and maturing your own unique signature, remember to give yourself permission to stand up and stand out. Your idiosyncratic style won’t line up with everyone else, or even with the rest of your demeanor and conduct…

Hey, it’s easier if everything lines up. But it don’t hafta!

Enjoy “Yogi Berra’s most famous quotes, his legendary wit & wisdom” [From Daniel O’Leary of the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS.]

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