
Cool, Not Hot!

“I think Truth has no temperature.”
—Malkina, played by Cameron Diaz
in The Counselor


Well. Have we indeed reached a bottom?

Much of public discourse today comes with overtones of anger, frustration, bellicosity, denunciation and rebellion. Yet if you see a thing clearly, without overtones, without surprise, without emotional overkill, there’s no need for boiling over, for exploding, for meltdown, for blame.


You’re a political leader yet you frequently manifest catastrophic upsets, rants, threats and subjecting your friends and family in proximity to temperamental radiation poisoning!


You’re the Chairman of an industry landmark, but your boardroom still echoes with the profanity and vehemence you use to “motivate” your managers!


Your spouse and children have learned to cower and disappear when business results or an unexpected event takes you unaware at home.


Sounds like you’re out of control. Looks like you’re out of control… Or perhaps you just resort to emotional or verbal violence as a means to an end? While that’s not unusual in our “anything goes” culture, (been watching the news?) it’s not a desirable feature in a person of character, intelligence or leadership.

Leadership is not Intimidation, though a lot of low-order players resort to it.

Behave yourself ! Give us a model to respect!
Be thoughtful! Be Intelligent! Be Respectful!
Be unhurried. Be deliberate. Be dignified.

Yes, be Cool! Because the truth has no temperature.



1. For You
Every time you open your mouth in the world, you leave a mark — that’s why they call it “an impression.” So, leave us with the impression that you’ve given this presentation serious consideration. Worked it through, “Aired it Out” with some serious colleagues. Reached a conclusion, but are still willing to work on it with us. The outcome? We’ll begin to respect your thinking, your care, your deliberation and your respect for your peers. We’ll want to emulate you and gain your respect in return.

2. For the Family
As the world heats up, it remains for the adults to cool it down and explain things rationally and with consideration of everyone’s unique style of communication. Little brother needs a demonstration. Big sister needs analysis. Mom needs and gives Hugs! Dad needs (and delivers) a short statement! You set the standard for the family. So, what is parenting if not deliberation, care and respect for one another? Yes, families get hot! But if there’s enough love, they cool down before any damage becomes permanent.

3. For the Office
If you can keep your head while the politicians, the pundits, the media and the rabble-rousers are losing theirs, you might just be able to survive this period of insanity and plot a course for a successful decade. Keep the lid on, and let people wonder if you’ve got some secret reservoir of rationality and calm. They will flock to your leadership. Now, what’s your plan?

These are, without a doubt, crazy times. So, don’t go with the crowd; be cool. Because the truth has no temperature!


On the 50th Anniversary of Bernstein’s masterpiece, West Side Story, enjoy this inspirational scene — Cool!

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