
Fixing a Whole

“I’m fixing a hole where the rain gets in
And stops my mind from wandering
Where it will go…”

Fixing A Hole: The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
1966 Apple

“So, we’ve got this national meeting coming up next week, and we
need something — a Speaker — to like motivate people!
There’s about an hour to fill… Can You help us?”

We see a similarity between facing an empty auditorium with no agenda and facing an empty page as you prepare for an upcoming presentation!

Both are “Empty Holes,” involving an unfilled time slot, no subject and no specified outcome. Both “holes” may be “optimally filled” using the same method: Focusing not on what’s missing, but focusing instead on creating a “Complete Whole” by deciding on a meaningful outcome, and building a custom-tailored program to accomplish it.

Is there a Standard for the National Meeting? A Secret Process for creating a Praise Worthy Conference?

Fixing a Hole? No, but Fixing a Whole, by staring it down, and planning.

If you Plan it Right, Stage Manage it, Produce it Right, the Whole can take shape and become a Great Meeting.

Fold this away for when you start to wonder about your National Conference. (But remember where you put it!)

Here’s the Super-Secret National Meeting Formula:

1. It’s all about what you intend to happen on Monday morning, when everyone returns to work. What actions do you want your people to take? Do you want them to pick up their phones and dial prospects? Do you want them to deliver a new presentation? Do you want them to reach out to existing customers? The First Thing you write down is: The Last Thing you’re going to say. E.g., “So guys, Monday, when you get started, get your phone call list together, and build your schedule for the week!” Now. You’ve planned The End.

2. Now the Analysis: What’s required to make sure everyone feels comfortable and ready to take all the actions you desire? Do they need training? Demonstrations? Planning? Practice? Some love and affection from Home Office Staff? A little entertainment to make them feel like “Family?” All that can be built into the meeting agenda.

3. Building the Agenda might benefit from some kind of formatting tool (a box diagram?) to break up the days… Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

You’ve got to get them on planes to the site, then get them met at baggage claim and transported to the hotel. Then there’s dinner, a speech and some recreation.

Morning — Things kick off big with a Welcome, then working groups. Then a group lunch. Two big sessions in the afternoon, then an elegant dinner with spouses and a Key Note. (Entertainment on their own…)

A Brunch, then working groups with staff, sales teams and their affiliated communication people. Finally, a competition for Best Speakers, demonstrating the new sales presentation before it goes live when people return to their territories. The awards for Best Presenter, Best Visual Aids and Best Signature are celebrated and entered on plaques at the Home Office.

Departure: Sunday evening. The National Staff gets comp time off after the product launch.

Each day might benefit from some structured thinking too. Maybe a separate box diagram for each day and each presentation or activity.

That’s it. What if this could be treated like a templated, formatted standard process, just filling in boxes each year as the planning begins? We’re thinking of calling the process “Ready, Set, Go!®”



1. For You
There are countless times when you’ll be called to speak. “Ready, Set, Go!” is a simple tool to get clear about what you want from your time in front of the group, why your audience will respond as you intend, and how to structure your remarks so they will not only resonate but get the desired response. To our pride, individuals have used the tool for tasks as diverse as Sunday School teachings, School Board meetings and Eulogies.

2. At Home
Teach your Children well! Anyone can learn “Ready, Set, Go!” It’s just that simple! Teach the kids, and coach them through their first presentations at school, scouts and team sports. They’ll groan at first, then they’ll bring home the trophy and think you’re a genius!

3. At Work
Well, it’s not just a Presentation tool. It also works for Meetings, Conferences and all manner of Academic Papers and of course, Books! Then, if you’re so inclined you can align all the communications of your school, company or organization around the core themes you and your team can identify. Think, “One Story, Many Voices!®” When you line up everything, the Brand starts to look like you planned it… But then, you did! It begins with teaching everybody to do “Ready, Set, Go!” then using it as a team management tool for building literature, web sites, phone programs and coordinated sales campaigns.

You’re going to be OK. You’re not “Facing a Hole.”

You are instead, “Fixing a Whole!”

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