
“I’m having a conversation with my audience, and we’ll both be dead by the time we’re done.”

The title quote from Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen “The Boss”
American Songwriter, Performer, Rock & Roll Star

(September 23, 1949 – )

“Speeches” are a bit more declarative.  Plays more dominated by the script.  Presentations more work and outcome focused.  But all are at their best when they become conversations.

But it’s not really about call and response – we’ve all sat through rote unison reading and responsive hoo-hah.  This is the real thing: When a speaker says something and looks out into the audience and divines the direction and emotion of the last row…it’s not about the verbal response but about the connection.

The real skill a great presenter brings to the arena is the speed with which they can take the conversation to depth.

In our judgment, that skill is comprised of a solid connection, a clear intention and a lofty purpose.  It’s a Fusion of body, mind and spirit.

Bring this skill into your life by breaking your paragraphs down and delivering the sentences one at a time – taking a breath in between.  See what happens.  If you garner some interest, continue.  If you get a question, that’s a win!  You gain points in this exercise by stimulating the interchange.  As your skill improves, you’ll discover that you become interesting to the degree you manifest interest in the listener.

Stop presenting, acting, declaiming and airing your point of view and start a few more conversations!

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