

“It makes little difference how many university courses or degrees one may own. If a person cannot use words to move an idea from one point to another, their education is incomplete!”
— Norman Cousins


1. They have passion! Witness the “Occupy Movement.” Plenty of Passion. Yet, next to no articulation, no outcome and no real coordination or unity among the players. No outcome but chaos. Hence, “they” are a mob.



2. They have logic, analysis and market acumen. Oh, and a 230-page document without a single picture. Hence “they” are a room full of pale, bloodless number crunchers.



3. They have incredible polish, color, texture, rich tuneful sound — and no content until someone writes a score, a play, or blocks and executes a painting, or a mural. Hence, “they” are actors, painters, dancers, performers in search of a script…


Taken separately, or taken apart, Body, Mind and Spirit are easy to ignore, diminish, criticize or discredit. To create a living, breathing, meaningful moment of communication, you need all three — in orbit around an ethical, even noble, intention: A speaker with a carefully crafted, logically tight presentation, demonstrating his/her passionate commitment, and touching on the listeners’ reason, emotion and noble purpose. The complete package gives the listener a call to action, an intelligent argument, a compelling delivery platform that makes it easy to pay attention.

As it turns out, that’s harder than it may appear, because the great ones incorporate all three, and make it look effortless… And, not seeing or understanding the level of skill and commitment required, we think that we can do that — until we encounter the task head on, and cave in.

Don’t be fooled be watching a Pro make it look easy. Do the work! Start now and become a great, complete professional speaker — in a few years.



1. For You
Recognize your strengths. Polish them relentlessly! Then find a colleague, a teacher, a counselor/coach and work on the spots where you’re Empty. Make sure to shop your work product around to people who see and connect differently than you. They’ll help you identify what’s missing in your perspective and how to find completion.

2. For the Family
Kids are just that: Incomplete! But the fun is in discovery of the veins of ability and interest that lead to an evolved and polished level of skill and perspective. So, give them time and a sense of judgement about what constitutes completion. “How do you know it’s good?” is always a great starting place!

3. At Work
Especially under deadline pressure, we tend to retreat to our most comfortable mode of expression. Some of us scribble some words on a pad, chart or screen. Some of us look for a picture. Others start formulating a story, and some begin working out an equation to help us understand the numbers. Unfortunately, we all need to stretch our comfort zones to include the numbers, the story, the deal, and the confidence to act. Start expanding your skills now!

To put together an effective meeting, our communications should be both firmly grounded and complete. That means body, mind and spirit — but also verbal, visual and kinesthetic. Reach for the whole package and create Fusion.


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