
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt

Crash: “You’re pissing your whole life away!”
Nuke: “I ain’t pissing nothing away! I got a Porsche already, a 911 with a quadraphonic Blaupunkt!”
Crash: “Christ, you don’t need a quadraphonic Blaupunkt. What you need is a Curve Ball! In the Show, everybody can hit heat!”
“Crash” Davis speaks with “Nuke” LaLoosh in Bull Durham
So, you’re hot! Got a job, a house payment, a leased car, maybe a family. And you’re working at a big shop… powerful reputation! (The shop, not you.). Congratulations. Give yourself a pat on the back!

OK Genius, let’s talk about what constitutes a career life success…

Let’s talk about Financial Freedom, Intellectual Engagement, Service, Happiness and Integrity.

Some ideas about what constitutes a “Win.”

Financial Freedom

  • The House is wholly owned. So’s the vacation place.
    You’ve got a couple of years of safe money locked away out of reach in a portfolio of cash, real estate and stable investments.
  • The car, and the stuff — that’s paid for too.
  • The kid(s) can go to college where they choose. The money is there.
  • You’ve got good financial, legal, medical and insurance advice, from people whose motivations you really trust.
  • You’ve got a will, in force.
  • You’re putting away the money for retirement.

Intellectual Engagement

  • You’ve asked the question: “What is it to have an active and satisfying Life of the Spirit?” You’re pursuing the answer; forging a path of your own choosing. Maybe it’s Church. Maybe school. Maybe you have a Counselor/Teacher.
  • Your travel documents are up to date and you can drop things and leave the country for fun, profit, adventure or self-preservation when the opportunity (or the need) presents itself!
  • You’ve been out of your native country many times, and have a favorite language, adopted culture(s) and friend(s) around the world.
  • You’re not an “Ugly North American!”
  • You read… widely! (Facebook does not constitute reading.)

(Who are you helping?)

  • Build a House!
  • Teach a Class!
  • Help the Homeless!
  • Don’t just do it by remote! Get your body involved! (You’re not doing it for them, but for yourself. You knew that didn’t you?)

Now, with all that activity, you’re probably accomplishing things left and right.

Let’s talk about Happiness.
It’s been said that Happiness is the pursuit of something that’s not completely out of reach. It’s a “summit” of some kind that’s not easy to achieve. Our reach is supposed to exceed our grasp.

So, what are you reaching for? Perhaps this is a good time to start considering what would make you truly happy. Remember there’s more than paying the bills, starting a family and sitting back.


  • What you do, lines up with what you believe.
  • You don’t hang out with people you don’t like or trust.
  • You don’t sell products or services that don’t deliver.
  • It’s not just about what you don’t do, but also about what and how you strive to create a positive outcome.

You strive to make your daily life and activities good for all concerned.

Got it?
Go! Do it!
Then, teach it!
And keep working on the Curve Ball.

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