Seeing the Big Picture
“To see the big picture, sometimes you must rise above the puzzle!” – Anonymous
In our experience, some clients acquire a training seminar and go home happy. But others, […]
Ancora Imparo
“And still I am learning!”– Michelangelo
“Learning on the job is essential to judging!”– John Paul Stevens, Associate […]
Fusion: the Heart of a Star!
Stars and Corporations are both energized by the same force: Fusion.
Our “Sun,” a “Star;” is a “Hydrogen Fusion Engine.”
Fusion Formula: Take two atoms of hydrogen, agitate rapidly under titanic gravitational stress, then apply cosmic heat. Caution: Do not over-stimulate or the mixture may explode and engulf the entire solar system; but be sure to continue at a pace sufficient to keep the sphere from collapsing under its own weight. Repeat to Infinity! Voila! Produces […]