Seeing the Big Picture
“To see the big picture, sometimes you must rise above the puzzle!” – Anonymous
In our experience, some clients acquire a training seminar and go home happy. But others, […]
What a Story!
“A diamond is forever!” — De Beers Corporation
I was sitting in an agency conference room in the late 70’s, enjoying lunch and the view of Central Park as my clients discussed their work for De Beers. In the course of the discussion, it became clear the “Diamond […]
Fusion: the Heart of a Star!
Stars and Corporations are both energized by the same force: Fusion.
Our “Sun,” a “Star;” is a “Hydrogen Fusion Engine.”
Fusion Formula: Take two atoms of hydrogen, agitate rapidly under titanic gravitational stress, then apply cosmic heat. Caution: Do not over-stimulate or the mixture may explode and engulf the entire solar system; but be sure to continue at a pace sufficient to keep the sphere from collapsing under its own weight. Repeat to Infinity! Voila! Produces […]
Afraid to Ask?
Ask for the “No!”
The Sales & Counselor SellingSM Series
“Thirty years, and still people are afraid to ask for the order!”
—Jennifer R. StJohn
Don’t Look at the Scoreboard
The Sales & Counselor SellingSM Series
“Play your game and your plan. Don’t look at the scoreboard.”
– Coach John Wooden
Head Coach, UCLA Men’s Basketball
“Attention must be paid.” *
The Sales & Counselor SellingSM Series
*Title Excerpted from “Death of a Salesman”
by Arthur Miller
American Playwright
(October 17, 1915 – February 10, 2005)
“Pay Attention!” You hear […]
Engaged Receptivity
The Sales & Counselor SellingSM Series
“So, I’m sitting in this little room in the old 493 Union Hall, and I’m just playing away, and there’s this old guy standing there. He’s listening to me, probably as long as he could take it, and he said, ‘Hey kid, do you know what’s […]
Shut Up and Sell
The Sales & Counselor SellingSM Series
“You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.
You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.”
— Naguib Mahfouz
Egyptian Author & Nobel Laureate