Seeing the Big Picture
“To see the big picture, sometimes you must rise above the puzzle!” – Anonymous
In our experience, some clients acquire a training seminar and go home happy. But others, […]
Cafes, Wolves, and Training
“Lord Ronald said nothing; he flung himself from the room, flung himself upon his horse and galloped madly off in all directions!”
Gertrude the Governess, Nonsense Novels 1911, […]
You Can Change the World
“Everyone thinks to change the world. But nobody thinks to change themselves!”— Leo Tolstoy
“We can change the world, rearrange the world. It’s dying to get better!”— Graham Nash,Chicago
Examine Your Habits… of Thought, of Word, of Deed because all meaningful change starts […]
The Fusion Experience
“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”― Aristotle
Isn’t that the point of training? We call it Be, Do, Have.
Be: You’re selected to attend training because there’s a skill to learn that will (hopefully) accelerate […]
Fusion Remembers
On August 22nd, we mark the birthday of Fusion’s late Founder, Chairman and CEO, Jennifer St. John. We were fortunate to work with someone who valued our contributions, and provided numerous opportunities for professional and personal growth to help us better […]
A Little Nudge
Sometimes you just need a little nudge to feel reengaged and renewed.
Recognition, in the form of encouragement and praise, nudges us forward to expand our capabilities and enhance our achievements. It helps raise our confidence and renew our spirit.
What is “Being Smart?”
“Smart” might suggest that an individual chooses to be responsible for themselves, their condition, and what they choose to make of it. Rather than being victimized by their station, they take every opportunity to learn, grow and build the structures of character, mind and spirit which will serve them in the long […]
A Winning Sales Process
We think everyone should “win” in the sales process – for the long-term.
On your next sales call:
• Be an “active listener” […]
“Practice Creates the Master”
“Practice Creates the Master.” — Don Miguel Ruiz
At first, you can’t do it at all.
Then […]
It’s a Communication Wasteland. So Much Noise! And a long stretch between communication moments that move you — that speak to body, mind, and soul.
So, how does a rational person conduct themselves?
Input: […]
Presenting for Results!®
Most People speaking in corporate roles are “Presenting to get through it.” “Presenting to get it over with!” “Presenting to Not Fail!” “Presenting to Check a Box in a Matrix!” Few people are Presenting for Results!®
— J. R. St. John (1952 – 2018), Chairman and Founder, The Fusion Group
Winners and Losers
“Once I passed the tricky sections, I think I let off the gas pedal a little bit. I just didn’t continue with that aggression all the way to the finish,” the two-time World Cup overall champion said. “That’s […]
Going Stupid!
“How many times will you repeat your morning routine? Your drive to Work? Your walk into a conference room? Your meetings, reports, e-mails… Is it any wonder that sometimes you “Go a Little Stupid” … and simply float away?”
—J. R. StJohn
It can’t have escaped your attention […]
Getting Great Results!
Two quotes to think about from Jennifer StJohn, Founder of The Fusion Group…
The Stammer
“Whatever you are, try to be a good one!” — William Makepeace Thackeray (1811 – 1863), English Poet & Novelist
Bob Newhart (comedy and television legend) once had a challenge from a television network official about the extended length of his comedy show.
“Bob, […]
3 Days! Or A Lifetime?
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True Nobility is being superior to your former self.” — Ernest Hemingway
“These three days changed my life!” — Participant’s evaluation of Fusion’s “Presenting for Results!®” session
Where’s […]
Dry Cleaners, Shower Curtains & Existential Moments
I got to the dry cleaner late the other day near closing time, and as I walked to the door with that sinking feeling, he showed up at the front door to the store with my really important shirt in his hand. “Saw you coming,” he said, “thought you might need this tomorrow.” Wow!
I have come to realize that as much and as often as we think that this thing or that thing is THE thing in life, the reality is somewhat different. THIS INSTANT, NOW […]
Limits on Creativity
“If I had more time, I’d have written you a shorter letter.” – Winston Churchill British Prime Minister, Author (1874 – 1965)
“Talk doesn’t cook rice.” – Proverb
Here’s a thought: Without limits, creativity is merely uncontrolled daydreaming – imagine a car without brakes…
Life – we’re in it together, which imposes all kinds of structure: jobs, families, and the demand for outcomes. All these responsibilities […]
What’s NOT Being Said
A young woman came to me for counsel.
She talked briefly and then sat silently in the chair.
I said nothing but watched the reactions she displayed.
Slowly she made eye contact with me.
“You understand, don’t you?”
I nodded.
She began to talk more.
The lesson here is… Listen for what’s NOT being said…
It’s in that silence that you will find the real […]
Endless, Cheerful, Repeated Coaching
“Man, you gotta have your head in the game every second of every play. You doze for a second, and the other guys are all over you and that’s the down, the quarter, and the whole game. Too many games, and your career is done!”
—NFC Playoff Team Member
If a football team went a week without being intensely coached about the opposition, the plays and strategy for the game at hand, and the positions and roles of each opposition player on each squad, you wouldn’t be surprised […]
The Uses of Not
“Thirty spokes share the wheel’s hub. It is the center hole that makes it useful. Shape clay into a pot. Where the pot’s not, is where it’s useful. Cut doors and windows for a room; the space inside makes “room” for you. Therefore, the profit in what is, lies in the use of what is not.”
From the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu. Translation by Gia-Fu Feng, Taoist Priest (1919 – 1985) and Ursula K. LeGuinn, Novelist […]
What a Story!
“A diamond is forever!” — De Beers Corporation
I was sitting in an agency conference room in the late 70’s, enjoying lunch and the view of Central Park as my clients discussed their work for De Beers. In the course of the discussion, it became clear the “Diamond […]
Ancora Imparo
“And still I am learning!”– Michelangelo
“Learning on the job is essential to judging!”– John Paul Stevens, Associate […]
Fusion: the Heart of a Star!
Stars and Corporations are both energized by the same force: Fusion.
Our “Sun,” a “Star;” is a “Hydrogen Fusion Engine.”
Fusion Formula: Take two atoms of hydrogen, agitate rapidly under titanic gravitational stress, then apply cosmic heat. Caution: Do not over-stimulate or the mixture may explode and engulf the entire solar system; but be sure to continue at a pace sufficient to keep the sphere from collapsing under its own weight. Repeat to Infinity! Voila! Produces […]
The Long Now
The Fusion Group is excited to be celebrating our 40th year in business!
This is quite a milestone for a small business that was founded by Jennifer StJohn in 1984.
Words of Wisdom
Here’s a concept: your thoughts and interests are yours to create, manage and promote.
Ever had a day when the synapses just don’t fire, the neurons seem clogged and constricted, the eyes can’t quite focus, and the mind is foggy? The internal landscape seems curiously unreal and the external landscape, well… Outsiders seem like enemies, and insiders seem like interruptions just waiting to occur!!
That’s the sub-rational mind — infringing on the […]
Incremental Improvement
“You can always be a little bit better.” — Drew Brees Former Quarterback, New Orleans Saints
Everyone’s nervous about public speaking, at first.
It’s not your stock-in-trade. So, it’s not unusual that you find it odd to stand up to speak.
There’s that moment when you are introduced — making you feel a little bit like an item of trade, being examined.
Then you discover that with so many listeners, you have to be a little louder and more […]
Making & Keeping
Stock offerings are launched by making promises.
Lofty stock prices are guaranteed by keeping them!
Elections are won by making promises.
Legacies are secured by keeping them!
Weddings are begun by making promises.
Marriages are secured by keeping them!
Getting a Win!
“So whatcha gonna do?” —Jim Brown addressing Richard Pryor
You’ve got this presentation coming up…
Lost in Confusion
“Never invest in an idea that can’t be explained with a crayon.”
—Peter Lynch
Legendary American Investment Professional
(1944 — )
The Wisdom of Fusion
1. Sales Riddle: “I can’t work with you until I know that you know what I know.”
We think it’s more important to “get” your customers’ issues, marketplace and challenges first rather than trying to push a product, service or feature. “Pull or Counselor” Selling is all about allowing customers to disclose needs (perhaps fears) […]
Wasteland or Garden?
“Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice.”
—Ayn Rand (1905-1982), Russian-American Novelist, Screenwriter & Philosopher
It’s a Communication Wasteland. So. Much. Noise. And a long stretch between communication moments that move you — that speak to body, mind, and soul.
OK, all those pictures of cats on Facebook — very nice. But is there any “there” there? Lots […]
Exposure vs. Mastery
(Masters Only in Our Minds)
“An unfortunate reality of our time is that people have fundamentally misunderstood the nature of ‘Mastery.’” — J. R. StJohn
“When we were young, we received a plain white Gi and a belt. Each week, […]
Keep the Craft!
“Body, Mind, Spirit. Craft, Science, Art. There’s a little of each in writing, speaking, performing. Take care that technology doesn’t submerge the craft or the art in your communication!”
— J. R. StJohn
Welcome to “Rapid World!” Tech has forever changed everything! Type no longer has to be “Set” for a publication. It’s […]
“It’s not binary! You can be gifted and decent at the same time!”
(Woz, talking with Steve)
Steve Jobs…the Movie
Perhaps the most significant (and insidiously unnoticed) flaw in our over-stressed, hyper-analytical existence is the pernicious tendency to reduce everything to a binary conflict.
It’s Not Your Job to be Brilliant
We are pleased to share an interview with The Fusion Group’s Vice President, Danielle Bolla, published by
In the interview, Danielle discusses being aware of your own communication habits:
- Are you speaking more than you’re listening?