Cornerstones features the writings of Jennifer StJohn and the Fusion Group editorial team. Enjoy these insightful and engaging essays for a different take on business, life and the pursuit of success and serenity.
Ancora Imparo
“And still I am learning!”
— Michelangelo
“Learning on the job is essential to judging!”
— John Paul Stevens
Associate Justice
United States Supreme Court
(1920- )
[…]Training in Paradise!
“Training in Paradise! It was the best experience of my career! What you guys have created there is a Masterpiece!”
– P.D.K., Participant
OK, You’re in a Manhattan conference room with God – and seven of your colleagues. Your firm has arranged a two day Executive Session with the Creator. And
[…]Facing the Fear
Public Speaking! Perennial Winner of the “Top Ten Fears” Poll.
Short of leaving the country, or filling a prescription; is there a way to Vanquish this Fear?
In a word, Yes. But it doesn’t involve turning your back, running away or taking a pill.
First, recognize that fear is a perfectly reasonable response to being told you have to stand and address your peers. There’s considerable risk involved if you mess it up. Ridicule.
[…]Respect the Watch? Or the Man?
“The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.”
– Atisha, Teacher (980-1054)
Has respect for “the trappings” of leadership replaced respect for the skills, experience, dedication and charisma of the leader?
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Listen Your Way To A Sale
“Companies don’t do business; people do.”
– C. Andrew Lehman
American Sales Professional
(1962 – )
Ever feel like a sales person was only thinking of their commission and not about how they could serve you? He probably talked non-stop about this month’s hot product and you were