Cornerstones features the writings of Jennifer StJohn and the Fusion Group editorial team. Enjoy these insightful and engaging essays for a different take on business, life and the pursuit of success and serenity.
Speech or Presentation
“If you ain’t got no axe, you can’t cut no wood!
Gentlemen, you got to use the right tool for the job!”
—John Henry Eaton (1790 – 1856)
American Politician, Diplomat
Today let’s focus on the two different mindsets that you might employ to solve two different communication assignments: the Speech and the Presentation.
An “Art” to Beginning
In the beginning, there was a bad joke.
And no one remembers what came after…
There’s an awkward, dark moment before a presentation begins – whether in person or virtual… Disaster lurks there. The audience is wondering how to spend the next forty minutes…
Not everyone in
[…]Shovel & Pink Tights
The circus came to town. Dad and I made the trip to see the parade down 4th Avenue. Later that night we saw the Main Event under the Big Top! The Elephants were my favorites — a long line of them. There, sitting atop the leader, at the head of the column, was a girl in pink tights and a satin leotard, her blonde hair pulled tightly back in a jaunty pony tail! She had the best job in the world! […]
Cracking the Code
“You, who are on the road; must have a code that you can live by.
And so, become yourself because the past is just a goodbye.
Teach your children well, their father’s hell did slowly go by.
And feed them on your dreams, the one’s they picked, the one’s you’ll know by.”
“Teach Your Children”
What is Culture?
What is culture, but the way we live — together?
Culture is defined by the things we do together, and the ways in which we do them “in the commons.” Some things are accepted, and acceptable. Others aren’t. First we experiment, then we form personal habits which morph into shared customs, then – over time… “Culture.” […]