Cornerstones features the writings of Jennifer StJohn and the Fusion Group editorial team. Enjoy these insightful and engaging essays for a different take on business, life and the pursuit of success and serenity.
The Sales & Counselor Selling Series
“We know how important it is to listen!”
— Ad campaign for Sperry Corporation
“Everybody is talking at me. I don’t hear a word they’re saying…”
— Theme
Management v. Leadership
(in a crisis)
Well, we admit it. We’re Americans. And that old picture of Washington Crossing the Delaware has a warm place in our heart. Also it points out the dual nature of being the Boss. You have to Manage the crossing. But once you’re across and out of the boat, you have to Lead to the ultimate victory.
Listen Your Way to a SaleSM
The Sales & Counselor Selling Series
“Companies don’t do business; people do.”
– C. Andrew Lehman
American Sales Professional (1962 – )
Ever feel like a sales person was only thinking of their commission and not about how
[…]Structured Listening
The Sales & Counselor Selling Series
“Listen! Or your tongue will make you deaf.”
— Cherokee Proverb
It’s a random world! It seems there’s a flood of randomness in the universe just now, with things, feeds, channels,
[…]Withstanding the Silence
The Sales & Counselor Selling Series
“The challenge isn’t knowing what to say, or sell, but to “withstand the silence” that comes when you ask a thoughtful question.”
– Jennifer R. StJohn
Speaker, Consultant, Executive Counselor
Founder of The Fusion Group
(1952 – 2018)