Cornerstones features the writings of Jennifer StJohn and the Fusion Group editorial team. Enjoy these insightful and engaging essays for a different take on business, life and the pursuit of success and serenity.
The Great Man and the Zen Master
“All learning begins with two things: silence and an open mind.”
—Timeless Proverb
The appointment was made for the Great Man by his Secretary’s Secretary. “He wants to learn from you!” she said. “He’s had me studying and searching out the great teachers of Zen, Art and Philosophy. We’ve discussed your work with your peers and clients who all sing
[…]“You’ve been a great Audience!”
“To have great poets, there must be great audiences.”
—Walt Whitman
American Poet
Have we lost a step? Have our communication disciplines eroded as “modern life” has set in?
A series of lifetime memories:
- Going
The Art of Leadership begins with, “Follow Me!”
Have you noticed that disconnect? Between the often well-crafted words of the leaders.. and their deeds?
Of course you have. It is that disparity between promise and practice that leaves many with the sense of having been “taken in” by the
[…]Loving Creative Limitation
(Formats, Limits, Containers & Boxes)
Formats!“I’ve realized that context largely determines what is written, painted, sculpted, sung, or performed. Conventional wisdom is that the rock-and-roll singer is driven by
“You don’t have to Do anything. Just Be with me.”
Deanna Troi
Star Trek, Next Generation
The Schrodinger Equation suggests that the mere observation of a particle physics experiment is sufficient to influence the outcome.