Cornerstones features the writings of Jennifer StJohn and the Fusion Group editorial team. Enjoy these insightful and engaging essays for a different take on business, life and the pursuit of success and serenity.
Getting Traction
Getting Traction
“Get your coat!”
— James J. Bartlet III
What’s Called For?
What’s Called For?
“What have you given us, Mr. Franklin?”
“A Republic madam, if you can keep it!”
A “demagogue” (from the Greek: Demos “the People” + Agogos “leading”)
Tabula Rasa
Tabula Rasa
Tabula Rasa
(Latin: “scraped tablet” or “clean slate”)
Tabula Rasa is a Latin phrase often translated as “blank slate” in English and originates from the Roman “Tabula:” a smooth piece of slate covered