Cornerstones features the writings of Jennifer StJohn and the Fusion Group editorial team. Enjoy these insightful and engaging essays for a different take on business, life and the pursuit of success and serenity.
Magic Carpet Ride
Magic Carpet Ride
“Art is a doorway out of our comfortable mental neighborhood and into someplace totally different… It disrupts our cherished modes of perception, our considerations about color, shape, content and spatial relationships.
[…]Embrace Your Insecurity
“The ability to grow is directly related to the amount of insecurity you can take into your life.”
Most of us had a moment in childhood where we were “weighed, measured and found wanting,” perhaps by our peers, our parents, a teacher or a snooty restaurant Maître D’…
[…]A Stronger Message
“A crazy person Says one thing, Does another and Believes something else. (Especially in Politics… but that’s another matter…) Sanity (and ethics) are usually described as the alignment of Thought, Word and Deed.”
Should text and graphics align with, support, and underscore each other? What about delivery? Should it
[…]Light Emerges from Darkness
“There is a field beyond all notions of right and wrong. Come, meet me there.”
— Rumi
Sufi Poet and Mystic
1207 – 1273
Lots of people are upset about lots of things — some, with actual reason. On reflection, it seems to come down to being Critical of Ourselves or Critical of Others.
Many of us suffer from attempting to meet an impossible (even a Godlike)
Low & Common? Lofty & Rare!
For want of a Nail, a Shoe was lost.
For want of a Shoe, a Horse was lost.
For want of a Horse, a Rider was lost.
For want of a Rider, a Battle was lost.
For want of a Battle, a Kingdom was lost.
And all for want of a nail.
You’ve seen this play before… The forlorn soul who rises to present and reaches for a writing tool, only to discover