Cornerstones features the writings of Jennifer StJohn and the Fusion Group editorial team. Enjoy these insightful and engaging essays for a different take on business, life and the pursuit of success and serenity.
The Stammer
“Whatever you are, try to be a good one!” — William Makepeace Thackeray (1811 – 1863), English Poet & Novelist
Bob Newhart (comedy and television legend) once had a challenge from a television network official about the extended length of his comedy show.
[…]3 Days! Or A Lifetime?
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True Nobility is being superior to your former self.” — Ernest Hemingway
“These three days changed my life!” — Participant’s evaluation of Fusion’s “Presenting for Results!®” session
[…]Dry Cleaners, Shower Curtains & Existential Moments
I got to the dry cleaner late the other day near closing time, and as I walked to the door with that sinking feeling, he showed up at the front door to the store with my really important shirt in his hand. “Saw you coming,” he said, “thought you might need this tomorrow.” Wow!
I have come to realize that as much and as often as we think that this thing or that thing is THE thing in life, the reality is somewhat different. THIS INSTANT, NOW
[…]Limits on Creativity
“If I had more time, I’d have written you a shorter letter.” – Winston Churchill British Prime Minister, Author (1874 – 1965)
“Talk doesn’t cook rice.” – Proverb
Here’s a thought: Without limits, creativity is merely uncontrolled daydreaming – imagine a car without brakes…
Life – we’re in it together, which imposes all kinds of structure: jobs, families, and the demand for outcomes. All these responsibilities
[…]What’s NOT Being Said
A young woman came to me for counsel.
She talked briefly and then sat silently in the chair.
I said nothing but watched the reactions she displayed.
Slowly she made eye contact with me.
“You understand, don’t you?”
I nodded.
She began to talk more.
The lesson here is… Listen for what’s NOT being said…
It’s in that silence that you will find the real