Cornerstones features the writings of Jennifer StJohn and the Fusion Group editorial team. Enjoy these insightful and engaging essays for a different take on business, life and the pursuit of success and serenity.
Forgive & Be Healed
The Zen Series
“Forgive and be healed!”
-Robert Howard Thomas
American Philosopher, Author, Yachtsman
(1932 –
The Village Headman was intelligent, dutiful, and personally strong; so it was with increasing concern that his people watched his broad shoulders stoop lower,
[…]Signature + Time
“Greatness is — in high school — often grounds for teasing.”
-J.R. St.John
The first “hit album” in my experience was introduced to me in my ultra-cool brother’s marvelous modern-design living room.
Prisoners of Perspective
“Some people would rather be “Right!” than Rational!”
-Robert Howard Thomas
American Philosopher, Author, Yachtsman
(1932 –
“You got to get yourself together. You got stuck in a moment
[…]Last Things First!
“Children, we’re taking the play on the road next week. This week, we pack the set and the costumes. Each of you has your own “tub” to pack. Make sure your character name is on the tub, and pack your entire costume and prop set! Listen very carefully now! The first thing you’ll put on during costume change is packed LAST! So the Actors’ Rule for Packing is: ‘Last
[…]This Call is Being Recorded!
“Let thy speech be better than silence, or be silent!”
Dionysius of Halicarnassus
Greek historian, rhetorician
BC 60 — BC 7
(Flourished during the reign of Caesar Augustus)
If you knew that the entirety of your phone conversations were to be recorded, wouldn’t you conduct yourself differently?
This isn’t an article about the NSA, but about two aspects of phone communication we think are due for improvement: