Cornerstones features the writings of Jennifer StJohn and the Fusion Group editorial team. Enjoy these insightful and engaging essays for a different take on business, life and the pursuit of success and serenity.
Redefining the Bottom Line
“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.”
-Henry Ford
American industrialist &
Pioneer of the assembly-line production method
Corporate profit is important. No profit? No Corporation!
Seeing the Big Picture
“To see the big picture, sometimes you must rise above the puzzle!”
– Anonymous
In our experience, some clients acquire a training seminar and go home happy. But others, a few, go “All In!” and acquire, install, operate, manage and evolve an entire complex
[…]A Fence Around the Seminar
Isn’t it interesting that, when we make a big gain in our personal practice, we sometimes discover that the thing we just learned is something we’ve already been teaching?
In my own case (I use that word advisedly…) I’ve begun to realize that in the early years, I had built an emotional “fence” around the seminar — in
[…]Keeping Them Taught
“Teaching people isn’t hard. It’s keeping them taught!”
-Tom Watson, Vice Chairman
Omnicom Group
Dean, Omnicom University
American Ad Man, Agency Executive and Exceptional Mentor
(1934 – )
From one of the seminal “Organizational Development” thinkers, comes the seed of the entire study: “How do you
[…]Building a Tradition
Admiral Sir Andrew Browne Cunningham, speaking of the Traditions of the British Royal Navy, famously said, “It takes three weeks to plan a battle. Three hours to fight one. Three years to build a battleship and three hundred years to build a tradition.”
All around us are the traditions by which we were raised, taught, empowered (or not) and implanted