Fusion® People


Vice President — Educator

As Fusion’s sole Helicopter Pilot, Chris is more than familiar with the phrase: “Pushing the Envelope.” A man of eclectic interests and habits, he is a guitarist who tracks the origin of his musical interests to a close encounter with the Jimi Hendrix Experience on his big sister’s bedroom stereo in the 60’s. But that wasn’t enough! Downstairs on the big deal Hi-Fi, his father was introducing big band jazz music to the family. So Chris is the product of many worlds, and accordingly he has diverse tastes. Playing Drums, Cooking (smoking things for extended periods…), Running, Biking, Roller Blading, Downhill Skiing and Kayaking occupy his time when out of the training venue.

Prior to Fusion, Chris acquired his industry familiarity directly as a financial services wholesaler in the annuity and life insurance market for three different firms, encompassing 22 years. Each firm sent him to “Presenting for Results!” sessions. Third time around, he got the karmic message and inquired, “Are you guys hiring?” That’s how it happened.

Chris shares his life with his partner DiAnna, and an assertive cat named Handsome George. Reflecting on his journey, he says, “Everyday life and business provide diversion, but the opportunity to enrich someone’s life while enjoying the profession is gold!”

Chris is a bit of a perfectionist. Probably a good feature in a pilot, but one which he now sees as a challenge to getting a presentation, a business plan or a pitch over the finish line. His coaching is now a good deal more compassionate, as he knows just how hard it is to get everything perfect. His students benefit from his familiarity with the industry, their challenges and his profound consideration that even in technical careers, it’s the people who make the difference.

