There was once a dream that was Rome.
You could only whisper it.
Anything more than a whisper,
And it would vanish, it was so fragile.
— Marcus Aurelius
Culture defines and distinguishes one tribe, family, country, and company from another. Yet it is also the force which draws them together. It is belief, practice, language, custom, style, heritage. It is so broad and omnipresent, as to be invisible. We and our un-noticed culture are not unlike a fish, which examines everything but the water in which he swims.
All our wisdom; can’t seem to keep us aware of culture — which fades from our conversation and awareness like water through a sieve into the soil of our unconscious… too lofty, ambiguous, and encompassing.
Unaware of our own daily contribution, we create our cultural structures primarily unconsciously — by default … But just occasionally, and exceptionally, greatness emerges … Not by default, not by mistake, not by happenstance, but by design.
We offer you the opportunity to not only become aware of the culture which defines your company, but to learn to create it, manage and evolve it to bring your dream into being.
In this two day session with senior management, we’ll look at the overall field of culture, assess our current assets and practices, create a vision for future activity and then work backward to design an interlocking set of tools, practices, training initiatives and executive practices to make cultural development a work of constantly evolving intention. Creating the future we intend, by design.
Led by the Fusion Group’s Founder, Jennifer StJohn, the Executive Symposium is designed to assist you and your colleagues in becoming more consciously aware of the firm’s cultural assets and your shared role in creating, maintaining and evolving them. The Executive Symposium premiered in a Tuscan Villa with the executive team of a world bank and has since been shared with corporate leaders from seven countries.

Next Steps
Ready to design your future? Call 800.866.2228 and let’s start building a great and lasting culture from the ground up.