

Holosophy: Conquering Your Fear of Success

ten-zen-graphicHolosophy is practical philosophy; ideas that can make your life bigger, more satisfying and workable. Read this book any way you like. You’re not required to proceed cover to cover! (Although, that might be a very logical, straight-ahead learning experience.) Start with the introductory pages to get a feel for the subject. Shop the Table of Contents; absorb the flow of argument. Pick a random title you find “irritating.” Turn right to that and see what you discover. Maybe you’ll encounter a genuinely new idea. It may not make sense at first. Go to the dictionary and discover the alternate meanings and contexts of the words. Demand an explanation! Engage it! Wrestle with it… until a new perspective reveals itself. The biggest returns come to those who engage without reservation. We’ve designed the book with larger type, images, quotes, dialogue, expository text and wider margins in which to scribble. We hope it functions as a multi-dimensional workshop: a point of entry to Holosophy. Read, find a Counselor and begin the conversation! Bon Voyage!

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Ten Zen: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

ten-zen-graphicThe classic Zen Story makes a learning experience available at a safe distance. There’s something freeing about witnessing someone else having a bright moment — a flash of insight.

Many of the great teachers propound their lessons in parables. A story is easy on the ears, spoken in the common tongue, involving people not that different than you or I, so the lesson might have application to our lives as well. The perennial wisdom has no country. This small book is yet another doorway to the infinite. Open this door and discover them for yourself.

“Reading these stories – from a wise teacher – takes us away from the everyday din to a quieter, stronger and more powerful place. It may be the dojo, the office, the classroom or at home. Wherever we find it, it’s a good place to be. I invite you to read Ten Zen and find out for yourself.” – Clark Kellogg, Professor of Innovation & Design Thinking, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley

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Getting Through: The Art & Science of Getting Results with Business Presentations

The book every business person should own!

Public Speaking makes everyone shiver. Nobody does a presentation for fun, so Getting Through! helps you conquer your fears and move your audience to make a decision!

You can do this! You can make yourself understood and begin to build your own unique style as a individual and a team leader!

Written in a unique, reader-friendly format as a series of conversations between an elder, more experienced professional and a young student — looking for a coach for the career battles ahead; Getting Through! deals with the barriers we all face as we attempt to scale the heights of career success.

You can become an accomplished speaker, but also penetrate the challenges of how things work inside the corporation. There’s a way, which it may take years to discover. Especially if you’re doing it one day at a time as an individual. But with the advantage of an outside counselor/coach, you can go further and faster!