Training, Consulting, Counseling
Relationships with Fusion typically begin with requests for a simple training program. The transaction is ordinarily characterized by “We need help with our presentations. Can you train our sales force? Can you help us align our presentations across the country?”
Having succeeded at this initial assignment, we are often asked back to consult in establishing uniform standards for evaluating sales force messaging and management coaching techniques. These assignments inevitably reveal underlying difficulties with disparate management approaches, standards, compensation and cultural misunderstandings.
At this point, individual executives or teams begin requesting private counseling with one of our leaders.
And the cycle repeats.
So what begins as a training assignment often evolves into a short term consulting project and develops over the years into a substantial course of executive counseling commitments.

Next Steps
How would you like your Fusion today? Calling 800.866.2228 can be the start of a rewarding relationship.